Robert & Helen Patterson
Higher Education Award
Dear Scholarship Applicant,
The Christian Activity Center is proud to announce the Robert and Helen Patterson Higher Education Award. The scholarship is named in honor of Robert and Helen Patterson who recognized the importance of a quality education and investing in the lives of young people. They always told their children, that “No one can ever take education away from you.”
The scholarship, which provides a minimum amount of $1,000, will be awarded to a high school senior who has demonstrated good academic performance and service commitment to the CAC or other community organizations. The criteria as set forth by the CAC are outlined in the application packet. All interested applicants must complete the packet in its entirety to be considered and delivered to the address listed at the end of the application by May 31, 2024.
The scholarship applicant will be notified in June and the award will be formally presented at a scholarship reception. More information will be forthcoming to the selected candidate. On behalf of the staff at the CAC and the Patterson family, we wish you well in your academic pursuits.
Jeffrey A. Williams, PhD
Executive Director