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Ameren Illlinois Awards Grant to Christian Activity Center for Everyday I’m Calculatin’ Math Program

For Immediate Release

Contact (Media): Parker Tilley


East St. Louis – Kindergarten through 5th grade youth of the Christian Activity Center (CAC) will get a little more help thanks to the Ameren Illinois, which granted $5,000 to fund the Everyday I’m Calculatin’ Math Program. As part of CAC’s School-After-School (and summer) Education, the program provides small group and one-to-one instruction with degreed teachers to remediate math skills. Children receive grade level math education and the practice necessary to master advanced applications (fractions, time, money, etc.).

“The Everyday I’m Calculatin’ Math Program helps our kids close the gap between Common Core math expectations and their ability to perform math skills they should be learning in East St. Louis elementary schools,” said Chet Cantrell, Executive Director. “Children make decisions regarding their capacities to learn in elementary school. The Wells Fargo Advisors grant supports math educator salaries and field trips, which teach and make math learning fun.”

By increasing math competence and confidence in CAC youth, Ameren Illinois’ support of the Everyday I’m Calculatin’ Math Program is also helping the Christian Activity Center meet its goal of high school completion and at least two years of post-secondary training or education for East St. Louis youth.

About Christian Activity Center

Located in the Olivette Park neighborhood of East St. Louis, the Christian Activity Center is an after school and summer resource for nearly 400, K-12th grade youth growing up in extreme poverty. CAC’s mission is to prepare youth academically, emotionally, spiritually and physically to make healthy life choices. In 14 beautifully designed classrooms, an indoor gym and outdoor playground, youth are engaged in academic, character, wellness and life skills programming with the goal of high school completion and at least two years of post-secondary training or education. Visit for more information.

About Everyday I’m Calculatin’ Math Program

Everyday I’m Calculatin’ Math Program is in its third year. The goal of the program is to steadily increase the number of K-5th grade children who meet Common Core standards in math, and are able to grasp and excel in 6th-12th grade math – when advanced applications of core skills layer on new challenges. Children in the program will be more likely to take classes beyond algebra (required for high school graduation), earn higher math ACT scores, receive post-secondary education scholarships, and enroll, persevere and graduate college/post-secondary education.

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